Area Runners Raise $7,400 to Buy Exercise Equipment for Bayard Taylor Elementary School

Community News

Area Runners Raise $7,400 to Buy Exercise Equipment for Bayard Taylor Elementary School

In a very special effort to pass on the gift of good health, more than 1,000 iRun4Life runners from across the Delaware Valley Area raised $7,400 to buy new exercise equipment for the Bayard Taylor Elementary School in North Philadelphia. The equipment will be delivered to the children at Taylor September 7 for the start of the new school year and the media will be allowed to video and photograph the arrival.

“Our goal is to pass on our love of exercise to as many children as possible in the hope that these children will choose a healthy lifestyle for the rest of their lives,” said Judy Wexler, president and founder of iRun4Life.  “We think physical activity instills confidence and positive thinking which helps in the fight against obesity.”

iRun4Life raised the money by hosting special running events around the region.

iRun4Life’s mission is to help combat childhood obesity through running. The three pillars of the organization are to teach children about exercise, promote healthy nutrition and support giving back to the community in the form of good deeds.  iRun4Life’s running program gets children exercising outside with their friends and family, and away from electronic devices and sedentary habits. iRun4Life also has a Kids Only 3K Race each May to celebrate youth fitness where close to 1,000 children run for fun.

Currently, there are 25 elementary schools in PA and NJ who participate in iRun4Life running programs with over 3,000 children participating and approximately 500 parent and teacher volunteers who support the program. According to the Center for Disease Control (Jan. 2017), childhood obesity has tripled in the US since the 1970’s, and about one in five school age children (age 6-19) are obese. These children are at an increased risk of chronic health issues such as type 2 diabetes, asthma, joint problems and heart disease. In addition, obese children also have a tendency to become obese adults. iRun4Life wants to break this cycle and teach children that running is fun and anyone can do it- at any age or any weight.

iRun4Life will continue its Gives Back Program in the future to help other elementary school children stay active and  continue to combat childhood obesity.

For more information on how to join iRun4Life, please visit or contact Judy Wexler at .